Hardwood4Dummies - Fooms
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What is a Foom?:
Fooms are cool ways to do something to others at the table such as blow them a kiss. This makes the games more fun and is a great stress reliever if you have a bad pard that needs zapped! Simply type in the commands as shown and hit your enter key. The commands are what you see after the (=) sign. Do not forget to include the / prior to the command or it will not work! Clicking the link next to each command will show you an example of what that command will produce.
bullet Lightning = /zap
bullet Skeleton = /szap
bullet Fireball = /foom
bullet Big snowball = /ssnow
bullet Snowball = /snow
bullet Big fireball = /sfoom
bullet Says "hic" in the bubbles = /slosh
bullet Says "pop" in the bubbles = /wash
bullet Floating hearts = /joy
bullet A rainbow = /rainbow
bullet Lucky charms = /luck
bullet Floating broken hearts = /nojoy
bullet Rainbow with money = /srainbow
bullet Kiss = /kiss
bullet Money = /pay
Directing A Foom Using Numbers:
To aim your fooms you simply tell them where to go after the foom command.
bulletLeft = 1
bulletMiddle = 2
bulletRight = 3
bulletAll = all (typing in all fooms the other three players at the table simultaneously)
bulletYourself = me (if you want to foom yourself)
bulletFoom Command: /kiss
bulletFoom Command Directed At My Partner: /kiss 2
Directing A Foom Using Letters:
bulletLeft = L
bulletMiddle = N
bulletRight = R
bulletAll = all (typing in all fooms the other three players at the table simultaneously)
bulletYourself = me (if you want to foom yourself)
bulletFoom Command: /kiss
bulletFoom Command Directed At My Partner: /kiss R
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